Why Leave Christianity? Survey Gets it Wrong.
Bad questions can sink a good survey. In this case, "Why did you leave Christianity?" A Baptist researcher, Brandon Flanery, wanted to know why so many people are leaving Christianity. He starts with a startling number: According to the highly respected Pew Research...
Your Partner F*kced Someone Else? Get Over It.
So your partner fucked someone else, had an affair, cheated on you, fooled around, cucked you. You’re pissed, angry, furious, maybe even despondent. Get over it. It’s easy. How do I know that? Because you did it already. When you met. OK, you’re right, I’m being...
Christianity’s Vilest Sin: Ruining Sex for Billions of Humans
Soul in Bondage, Elihu Vedder, ca 1891. Public domain. We atheist and “recovered” theists love to write about the horrors perpetrated by Christians: crusades, genocides, slavery, inquisitions, misogyny, support for Hitler, fueling hatred in the Middle East, witch...