I’m Sick and Tired of Hearing that Liberals are Just as Bad as Conservatives. They’re Not.

If you believe the ethics of the left and right are equivalent, you either haven’t been paying attention, or you’re willfully ignorant. Because the only other excuse is that you’re as ethically bankrupt as the lying, cheating, greedy, self-serving Republicans who have been running this country for the past four years. The right wing of American politics has fallen into an ethical sewer far, far deeper than anything liberals have ever done. Stop saying that the left and right are equally bad. They’re not.

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Are the President’s Pardons Invalid?

Trump's pardons of Roger Stone, Michael Flynn and others who lied for Trump should not be allowed to stand. The very idea that a president can pardon his own co-conspirators in a crime is revolting. But that's what he did. Could those pardons be overturned? Maybe......

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Save Democracy: A Political Truth-in-Advertising Law

Why do we expect the government to protect us from false product advertising, but allow rampant false advertising in our elections? Why do we allow the very politicians who run our government to lie in their ads? Do we not care about democracy itself? Is truth in the democratic process less important than truth in a McDonald’s hamburger ad?

When it comes to the most important topic of all, our democracy, lies are rampant and utterly unpunished. A politician can say anything at all, and there are no legal consequences. We are protected when buying shoes, aspirin, or a house. So why is the President of the United States allowed to lie about his opponent, obviously and without consequences, to the American public?

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